Historische optocht

Weitere Titel: Historische optocht
Historische optocht te Helmond op zondag 24 september 1922
Historical Procession in Helmond on Sunday 24 September 1922
Jahr: 1922
Beschreibung: Reportage about an historic pageant in Helmond On September 24, 1922, an historic pageant was held in Helmond to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Rooms-Katholieke Werklieden Vereeniging St. Lambertus . The pageant illustrated the most prominent events from Helmond's history, as well as its system of guilds. We see e.g. footage of the audience and the participants in the pageant. One of the bands remains in the frame for a considerable period.
Schlüsselwörter: Helmond / Nederland / verenigingen / katholicisme
Anbieter: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Rechte: In Copyright
Produktionsfirma: Haghe Film (Den Haag)
Regie: Willy Mullens